For those enquiring, the Secret Santa code will be released tomorrow (please check your inbox! – & If you haven’t signed up for newsletters, now’s your chance…just pop your email address in the box on the sidebar and you’ll always get links and codes galore.)
Yes, it’s finally civilised to say the C word: Christmas is hurtling towards us and it’s a time for giving (well, you might get yourself a few cheeky gifts along the way, but that’s a hazard of being in shopping mode I say!) To sweeten things up, here at Toppingyou blog, a Secret Santa code is issued a month before Christmas. As ever, items are sent same or next day delivery with tracking to ensure it’s ready – and most of all, cheaper and less stressful than a High Street nightmare excursion.
There will also be upcoming shipping deals for multiple purchases (available internationally too) so watch this space 😀
Happy shopping!