New Year = New Wardrobe!

Happy New Year from Toppingyou blog shop! 🙂

Hopefully the first week back at work has not been to much of a shock to the system… Ease the stress by investing in some key pieces at cut prices.

A classic white shirt will never date, pair it with a pencil skirt and heels for instant office to bar glamour.

As always, the fun purchases remain party dresses and sparkle, but January is supposedly the time to settle down and be sensible (well, until the weekend at least!)

January sober – but stylish, naturally! – style inspiration:

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photo 1 (Small)

knitted lurex cardigan

white peter pan collar blouse

black trousers faux suede waistband back

black zip clips skirt


vintage metal plate white belt (Medium)

premium zip playsuit - topshop

photo 4 (15) (Small)

S6000671 (Small)

Secret Santa Codes!

Hi all, well it’s that time of year again 🙂

Are we allowed to say the C word? I think so….. Here it comes: Christmas!!! It’s coming up fast and that means treats for you and treats for them. Because honestly, is it even possible to purely buy for others and never get a secret little cheeky gift to self? So here at Toppingyou blog we like to give a little Secret Santa code out to help any guilt subside. Just add yourself onto the Top Deals newsletter on the sidebar and wait to see which automated code you get.

Happy shopping!

sweetie bag2 (Medium) (3)

Item shown: Sweetie bag, here

Halloween Treat or Treat?


Yes it’s that time of year again – and we’ve brought back our favourites!

For an instant outfit, albeit low points for effort, just wear your LBD and these fluffy red horns!

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You can wear Rocky Horror style bodices, this one is great! Also available, red corsets or green chiffon… check out the site for more stock coming soon…


Wear it with leggings


or a maxi skirt,


a mini leather studded skirt (now limited stock)

leather studded skirt 1,

or sequin knickers! (search the site for colours and options)

sequin knickerss


Otherwise just tweak your accessories with a fish bones necklace (very Tatty Devine / Tim Burtonesque!) or for a Frankenstein vibe, the chunky Trapped zip bangle

trapped zip bangle

And here’s the essential nail wrap set, back by popular demand and on sale for just £1.50!


70s fashion is back – and Coachella festival reminds us how it’s done

In the shadow of Madonna and Drakes’ “kiss” (he loved it, he just doesn’t like lipstick… hmmm…) there is the FASHION. Now, we all know that (sadly?) Coachella makes one think of fashion way before one recalls it’s a music festival – amirite?

And what’s more, we know the strict Coachella uniform: one that Toppingyou can certainly provide 😉 – cut off denim shorts, graphic tees, billowy blouses, belts, and boots. Alternatively, some go for the pretty floral dress, maxi skirt route. Lace was a trend this year, and this skirt would be perfect!

blue flower lace skirt

But surprisingly, actually I hate to admit it: I loved Kendall Jenner’s overtly 70s style! The waistcoat, the bikini, the floppy hat, those graphic flares! (Similar 70s palazzo style here imminently! Keep a look out…) 70s style is back. And it’s one of my favourite – who can resist a floaty dress and floral headband?

Let’s take a look at some of this year’s festival outfits!

– That 70s high waistband! Check here for similar


– The failsafe middie to low waisted denim cut offs! (Bella Thorne, Alessandra Ambrosio and Vanessa Hudgens)


– Jared Leto and his zebra trousers! (look out for similar printed trousers here very soon!)

jared-leto coachella

The wizened Coachella attendee, Kate Bosworth, ups the ante in a chic getup including the lustworthy Valentino bag (Rosie Huntington Whitely also had that bag, in white) – gives an otherwise boho outfit a very elegant edge:


Which was your favourite? Browse the Toppingyou site as many more items due to be added, and hopefully some summer pieces that will make anyone look fashion music festival ready.

image credits: Splash, Google

January brights: Classic inspiration

Winter is here, but that doesn’t mean colour is over for the next few months…

Inspiration picture – who could forget Carrie Bradshawe’s New Year’s Eve jaunt? In high heels, fur coat, and sequin beret over her pyjamas!


Well… This sequin beret would liven up even the most lacklustre bundled black coat and jumper outfit!

sequin - beret

– these beauties will be coming soon! – they’re up!

faux fur black bag





Without resorting to real fur: A real winter treat is this faux fur bag

black knitted sequin fox jumper sweater





Otherwise, a jumper even if black, can be forgiven if there’s a cute sparkly animal on it 😉






Inspiration picture – how about an unexpected pop of yellow like my personal style crush Olivia Palermo?

This pretty PU leather glossy yellow flower bag is another great Topshop bag which is on sale


Keep checking in for many patterned trousers, a signature Olivia Palermo look, which always looks fresh against the cold. New stock arriving shortly – here at Toppingyou blog.

Secret Santa update!

For those enquiring, the Secret Santa code will be released tomorrow (please check your inbox! – & If you haven’t signed up for newsletters, now’s your chance…just pop your email address in the box on the sidebar and you’ll always get links and codes galore.)

christmas-partyYes, it’s finally civilised to say the C word: Christmas is hurtling towards us and it’s a time for giving (well, you might get yourself a few cheeky gifts along the way, but that’s a hazard of being in shopping mode I say!) To sweeten things up, here at Toppingyou blog, a Secret Santa code is issued a month before Christmas. As ever, items are sent same or next day delivery with tracking to ensure it’s ready – and most of all, cheaper and less stressful than a High Street nightmare excursion.

There will also be upcoming shipping deals for multiple purchases (available internationally too) so watch this space 😀

Happy shopping!


Happy Halloween!


Yes it’s that time of year again – why not indulge and tilt your cap to a little spooky style? Without compromising your fashion credentials, naturally!

If you want a literal hat… this floppy trilby is divine! And aside from being a little bit witchy, it’s pure wool so you’ll treasure it when winter is here…


But for a more overt Halloween, you could don these fluffy red horns! Just pair it with a slinky black outfit and vampy makeup for your easy and instant Halloween costume.

photo 2 (5) (Small)

You can wear Rocky Horror style bodices, this one is great!


Wear it with leggings


or a maxi skirt, a mini skirt

leather studded skirt 1,

or sequin knickers!

sequin knickerss (search the site for options)

Slashed tights if you’re going for a zombie theme…

slashed footless tights

Otherwise just tweak your accessories with a fish bones necklace (very Tatty Devine / Tim Burtonesque!)

The cutest touch would be this exclusive nail wrap set, how perfect?!


Springtime – Hurrah!

Warm weather beckons at last, and now’s the best time to be wearing clashing prints and crop tops! Many new rare and discontinued items from Topshop are due to be added, please watch the site as it is currently in its development stages with many new bargains to be had! The Toppingyou ebay store continues – but ideally this will soon be the only Toppingyou sales platform, so be sure to sign up to my newsletter (see sidebar)

Inspiration time, mix clashing prints with denim or camo; or mix floral loud prints with sheer pretty blouses and girly shoes! This scribble graffiti style dress is an easy way to get that high impact haphazard edge, just mix it with a cropped army style jacket and sandals – but have a browse for plenty of options to suit your style!

Merry Christmas from Toppingyou!

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas – or General festive seasonal happiness. Please look out for many upcoming deals.

For multiple purchases, email me for a secret Santa discount code! 😀


UPCOMING… Topshop Freedom Jewellery promotion!

Buy 3 get 4th free!

*cheapest item free

Look out for upcoming promotion code… In the meantime contact for details